Welcome to Links
What is Links?
Links is part of the Brunel Academies Trust known as Brunel Access Support and Inclusion Service (BASIS). Links is an Unregistered Alternative Provision and provides a bespoke curriculum to a small group of secondary aged Young People. The group is based in Unit 17 Headlands Trading Estate, Headlands Grove, Swindon, SN2 7JQ.
Links has been designed to support YP who have a Special Educational Need and Disability (SEND) profile, often including Autism/ Social Communication and Interaction Difficulties (SCID).
The Links programme is targeted to Young People who may:
· Have struggled to maintain a school placement – whether this is specialist or mainstream.
· Have a complex SEND profile including Autism, SCID, anxiety or mental health difficulties.
· Have difficulties which affect their ability to engage with peers and/or adults.
· Require a flexible approach to meet their needs and a planned programme of intervention to support them to overcome any barriers.
· Need a programme to be delivered within the home, at the Headlands site or out in the wider environment.
Links is a specialist environment with a personalised curriculum, but with a further bespoke element. The programme is designed to cater for the different individuals placed with us, taking into consideration their individual profile of need.
There will be the opportunity for Young People to have access to a wide range of subjects, including the core curriculum subjects including English, Maths and Science (including IT), there is also a golden thread of PSHCE throughout our curriculum. Our curriculum has been broadened in order to continue to promote Life Skills and Employability, as well as allowing greater and more varied levels of personalisation and differentiation to take place.
Social Emotional Mental Health, Well-being and British Values (Democracy, The rules of law, Individual liberty and Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs) is supported and promoted through a strong pastoral system of care, daily reflection and therapeutic interventions. Additionally, the Young People will have specific sessions dedicated to a more therapeutic curriculum.
Staff will focus on teaching that encompass a range of the following:
· Social skills
· Self-awareness skills
· Developing and maintaining friendships/relationships with others
· Life skills
· Coping skills
· Self-regulation/emotional awareness
· Improving self-esteem and confidence
· Managing difficult moments
· Mental health and well-being
· Links with the community
Young People will take part in structured activities, supported by staff and related to their personal targets, which link to their EHCP outcomes. They will be given the opportunity to develop their independence skills through activities offered on or off site. Young People will have the opportunity to explore alternative curriculum options, which may include Forest School/Farm, swimming, gardening, music, cooking, equine, animal care, woodwork and other activities based on personal interest. There will be a focus on developing communication and interaction skills so that they are able to work with others and develop the social understanding needed in the modern world and adulthood.
Progress will be shared with parents/carers at regular points throughout the term including Annual Reviews where regular monitoring and updating of EHCP’s will take place. Staff will work in partnership with other professionals and agencies to ensure the best support is offered to each Young People.
Young People will be allocated a placement within the Links group following a consult from the Local Authority. Specialist teachers and a range of support staff will form the team at Links, which is managed by the BASIS Leadership Team based at Headlands Grove.
Timetables are offered individually for each Young People, but Links are able to offer sessions from Monday to Friday 9am-3pm.
Please email Mark Wiseman (Deputy Head of Service) if you have any questions or require further information. If you would prefer a telephone conversation, please initially email Mark so that we can arrange a mutually convenient time. Email mwiseman@basisbsm.org.uk