curriculum overview
Links Curriculum
Links offers a modified/adapted National Curriculum to all of its Young People. As in mainstream schools, the Links Curriculum is broad and balanced. We make modifications and adaptions based on student need, breaking the learning processes down, so that it is delivered in sequences of small steps appropriate for the cohort and/or individual student.
Young People move through the Links according to their age, following a programme at the relevant level and having regard to their learning difficulties and individual needs. Our key curriculum focus relates to end point learning and preparing our Young People for their next steps and adulthood. We challenge all Young People to work to the very best of their ability and this is reflected in the termly targets set. We offer calm, highly structured and active learning experiences.
Where Young People experience periods of dis-regulated behaviour linked to their social, emotional and mental health needs, we have strategies in place to support Young People and re-engage them in their learning.
A description of what we do will not reflect the enthusiasm our Young People have for learning, or indeed the staff dedication to ensuring that every student’s need is met. Our lessons are relevant, accessible, engaging and are therefore rooted in the fact that one learns more effectively through enjoyment and feeling safe and confident to move forward with a 'can try' attitude.
We work hard to offer a hands-on experience across all subject areas.
When a student is offered a place at Links, we note carefully the special needs identified on their EHCP, monitor social and academic ability for the first half term and set individual targets.
Staff regularly communicate with parents/carers and meetings are held to discuss and review progress in order that achievements can be acknowledged and future efforts purposefully focused.
Each student’s end of year Links Report is sent to parents/carers in the summer term and this links closely with the targets set in EHCP Meetings.