Brunel Academies Trust

ARC Bespoke Packages

ARC Bespoke packages KS1/KS2/KS3/KS4

Bespoke Packages offer an individual and personal programme of support specific to the Children and Young People (CYP) needs. This can be offered in a range of locations and is an alternative way of supporting the individual. Bespoke Packages are designed for CYP who may not have a school placement. The CYP may require a flexible approach to meet their needs and a planned programme of intervention to support them holistically, the CYP may have a complex SEND profile. Bespoke Packages are offered in a range of settings and environments as required to meet the needs of the individual CYP.

What a Bespoke Package could include:

A Bespoke Worker will assess/identify and plan interventions for CYP considering factors such as stress and anxiety which could impact their progress and their ability to engage with a new adult. The following may be agreed:

  • Experienced Bespoke Worker, access to tailored expertise which include 1-1, 2-1 & 3-1.
  • Transporting CYP to/from the activities.
  • Planning and implementation of ‘out of school’ learning activities.
  • Designing/providing appropriate resources as part of the Bespoke Package.
  • Supporting the inclusion of the CYP in all activities that are an additional part of the Bespoke Package e.g. horse riding.
  • Liaising with allocated personal tutor/other professionals. Coordinating the package and providing support/mentoring and training where necessary.
  • Establish constructive relationships and communicate with other agencies/professionals involved in delivering the Bespoke Package.
  • Use specific expertise to advise/mentor and support other adults involved with the CYP.
  • Setting targets from EHCP and collecting evidence of CYP progress/views and contributing actively to termly reporting.
  • Find appropriate work experience/volunteering opportunities for CYP, and support/monitor and review attendance.
  • Explore work opportunities and college placements with CYP and support applications and interviews.
  • Enable CYP to take exams and seek relevant qualifications.

If you interested in booking ARC Bespoke Packages, please email to request a referral form.

ARC Information Pack

Please follow the link to view the ARC Information Pack